

An insider tip: the Museumkaart is the card that the Dutch use to access museums in the Netherlands.

How it works

You can buy a ticket for each museum you visit, but you can also choose to purchase a Museumkaart, which provides free access to approximately 400 museums all over the country. The price of this card for one year is € 75, or € 39 for persons aged 18 years or younger.

When you buy a Museumkaart at one of the participating museums, you will receive a temporary card that is valid for five museum visits during 31 days from the day of purchase. You need to register in order to get a personalized card that is valid for the rest of the year. Registration is possible only if you have a Dutch address; you will receive your card within five working days after registration. (Registered cards can be renewed after a year at a small discount.)

A ticket for the Rijksmuseum costs € 22½ and admission to the Dutch Open Air Museum is € 22; smaller museums will charge you around € 10 for a visit. On average, the purchase of a Museumkaart is advantageous after four or five museum visits.

More information

More information can be found on the website at The Customer Service department can be reached at 0900-4040910 (only for calls within the Netherlands).